🟡Step 1 - Items installation

First, add the items into the 'items' table of your database

-- Insert Health Potion
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('p1', 'Health Potion');

-- Insert Shield Potion
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('p2', 'Shield Potion');

-- Insert Animal Potion
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('p3', 'Animal Potion');

-- Insert Invisibility Potion
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('p4', 'Invisibility Potion');

-- Insert Speed Potion
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('p5', 'Speed Potion');

-- Insert Crystal Ball
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('cristal_ball', 'Crystal Ball');

-- Insert Ouija Board
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`) 
VALUES ('ouija', 'Ouija Board');

Ox_inventory items version

If you use Ox_Inventory in your ESX server you can add the next items

['p1'] = {
    label = 'Poción de Salud',
    description = 'Te revitaliza',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['p2'] = {
    label = 'Poción de Escudo',
    description = 'Te da escudo',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['p3'] = {
    label = 'Poción Animal',
    description = 'Te convierte en un animal temporalmente',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['p4'] = {
    label = 'Poción de Invisibilidad',
    description = 'Te hace invisible temporalmente',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['p5'] = {
    label = 'Poción de Velocidad',
    description = 'Te vuelve más velóz temporalmente',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['cristal_ball'] = {
    label = 'Bola de Cristal',
    description = 'Te da un objeto aleatorio',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,
['ouija'] = {
    label = 'Ouija',
    description = 'Te permite comunicarte con los muertos',
    weight = 10,
    close = true,
    stack = nil,

Last updated