🔴Step 2 - Configure your tarot tables

In this step, you'll be setting up the 'tarotist' job and, optionally, more locations where your tarot tables will be placed within your in-game map.

Let's break down the configuration:

First, add the tarotist Job to QB-Core

To add the tarotist Job to QB-Core locate the file /resources/[qb]/qb-core/shared/jobs.lua and open it

and then paste the next line of code at the top of the 'QBShared.Jobs' list

	tarotist = { label = 'Tarotist', defaultDuty = true, offDutyPay = false, grades = { ['0'] = { name = 'Card Reader', payment = 50 } } },

And save the file :D

Then, add more Tarot Tables coordinates if needed

To add more Tarot Tables in your GTAV map, first locate the file resources/[ks_myspells]/ks-magic/config.lua and open it

Then search for the 'Config.TarotTables' lines and copy the content in as many places as you need

Config.TarotTables = { --this is an example of 3 tarot tables around the map
    {coords = vector3(162.4527, 164.1986, 106.8614), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --KS Mystic Spells
    {coords = vector3(714.6013, 1197.4181, 346.7446), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --Vinewood letters
    {coords = vector3(-75.0575, -819.0725, 326.1752), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --Top of Maze Bank Tower
  • 'coords' : Here you paste the Vector3 type of coordinates where your table will be setup in the map

  • 'dist' : Here you can place the distance in meters where you and the people near you can use the table

  • 'job' : Here you can select the job which has control of the tarot table

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