🟡Step 2 - Configure your tarot tables

In this step, you'll be setting up the 'tarotist' job and, optionally, more locations where your tarot tables will be placed within your in-game map.

Let's break down the configuration:

First, add the tarotist Job to ESX

Add a tarotist job into your jobs script for your server

Then, add more Tarot Tables coordinates if needed

To add more Tarot Tables in your GTAV map, first locate the file resources/[ks_myspells]/ks-magic/config.lua and open it

Then search for the 'Config.TarotTables' lines and copy the content in as many places as you need

Config.TarotTables = { --this is an example of 3 tarot tables around the map
    {coords = vector3(162.4527, 164.1986, 106.8614), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --KS Mystic Spells
    {coords = vector3(714.6013, 1197.4181, 346.7446), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --Vinewood letters
    {coords = vector3(-75.0575, -819.0725, 326.1752), dist = 3.0, job = 'tarotist'}, --Top of Maze Bank Tower
  • 'coords' : Here you paste the Vector3 type of coordinates where your table will be setup in the map

  • 'dist' : Here you can place the distance in meters where you and the people near you can use the table

  • 'job' : Here you can select the job which has control of the tarot table

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